i-cuff viewfinder eyecup

Shipping from Amsterdam, Netherlands. i-cuff is on stock.

The i-cuff is a viewfinder eyecup for finders up to 24cm and 26.5cm in circumference.
Circumference length is the inside size of the chamois fabric for your face.
Diagonal is 7.8 cm and 8.6 cm.

i-cuff PRO up to 9.5" (24cm) and 10.5" (26.5 cm) for i-cuffHD

It attaches to the viewfinder via a velcro strap, this allows for a personalized fit and positioning. The side you touch is comfortable Ultrasuede HP chamois fabric.
When having glasses, the i-cuff will still wrap comfortable around them blocking unwanted light.

Crafted to the highest standards for durability and comfort.
It's breathable, washable, waterproof, and handmade.

i-cuff viewfinder eyecup i-cuff viewfinder eyecup i-cuff viewfinder eyecup i-cuff viewfinder eyecup